An Ex-Bank Manager's Non-Commercial, Non-Academic, Career Making Help Center for Students
Education Career
Personal Growth
Shriram Centre for Excellence & Personal Growth is a non commercial, non academic career making help centre for students. We provide consultation, counseling and guidance for solving various problems of students & career strugglers.
At SRCEPG Gwalior, we work with the theme of "Learn Life to Earn Success".
We mentor students for success in career and life. Our mission is to make the students free from the clutches of their Vicious Cycle of negativity, failure, frustration & complaint and prepare them to move in to Excellence Cycle of success, confidence & gratitude.
We teach our students:
By International Education Award 2022
Dear Dr Brijeshji, Your centre is doing wonderful task of motivating young minds. The pursuit of excellence is a laudable objective and you are mentoring young generation in this pursuit. I am sure young students will be able to gain from your vast experience and expertise. I am very much impressed with the Mission and Vision of the centre.The commitment these young students are giving is a testimony to your pursuit.
Respected Brijesh ji, this center run by you, whose thinking is very unique, is praiseworthy. In this work of yours, well-being of others is progress. The selfless spirit of your inner self has given a different glow to this work. I have seen, read and heard this glow on the faces of your students. May your institution be blessed with progress.
Heartfelt congratulations to Shri Ram Center for Excellence and Personal Growth Gwalior, a wonderfully endeavoring organization for the upliftment of youth through anointed training / guidance program through revolutionary thinking and innovative life philosophy.
Dear Dr. Brijesh Sharma, I myself am benefited by coming to your SRCEPG center leg and meeting and interacting with the students being trained by you. In today's career oriented education, the new generation is really doing wonders. But I was very happy to see the way you started this real education center. Your basic training method will work very well from the perspective of building the personality of the student before building the future. Your own life experiences, your positive thinking will establish a lot of confidence and additional abilities in these students, I am confident talking to them. My best wishes to the center.
Respected Brijesh Ji, I am very happy to visit SRCEPG Centre Gwalior on 9th August 2015. It was a nice experience to have an interactive session with your students. I have probably seen on their faces the commitment, enthusiasm and passion for their progress. Your concept of "inner space expansion" and "learn life to earn success" is unique and life-changing. A mentor like you can really convert the struggling phase of youngsters into a pleasant progress journey. My sincere best wishes for your great work.
Respected Doctor Sharma ji, your centre for students career success is uniquely able to provide business majors with tailored services including quality academic advising with tutoring, International, and leadership experiences, and help them succeed inside and outside of the classroom. I wish you success and enrichment, both personally and professionally.
I am deeply impressed by the great work of mentoring young students for their career success and personal growth. The concept of inner space expansion is unique. I would love to be associated with SRCEPG as a student too.
The role of teachings Dr Brijesh Sharma sir, in my success and progress is unforgettable. I am a life student of our unique Centre SRCEPG. I profoundly enjoying the uninterrupted pride of being his only son and committed student as well.
The best way to learn is, to see your teacher, mentor working. I am fortunate enough to have a natural operating unity of learning in this way too, as being daughter of Dr Brijesh Sharma, I always feel blessed and proud to be his student also. As student of SRCEPG I try to follow the seventh commitments Of Our centre.
Ku. Kanchan Parate, (MSc Biotech) A differently able student who qualified successfully JRF- NET, GATE, DBT Exam
SRCEPG Gwalior is definitely a best platform for youngsters facing problem in their career and life. After becoming the student of SRCEPG my world starts evolving towards positivity. My life start changing from positively and my dedication Centre towards success. I will be failing in my duty if I do not express my gratitude to SRCEPG, as this is the only place where I learnt the way for changing my queries, discomforts, negativity towards my career and to overcome my weakness. The centre has developed the strong belief in me. I love the way of teaching which is true meaningful dialogues and to life experiences. Honestly speaking, my life without SRCEPG is unthinkable. Thank you sir.
Feeling great to be a student of SRCEPG Gwalior. When we discuss our confusion and problems with sir, than success look like a straight line, because our sir describe the concept and root cause of it and provide solutions in a very practical way. It's an amazing experience to learn from him, to find a logical solution for our problems. Thanks to be with me sir.
We learn the most important thing in SRCEPG Centre how to prioritise things which are important, and we have to do first in our life. Sir, never taught me about Academics he always teach me by giving practical examples. Speciality of SRCEPG Centre is that not only teach us how to face job interviews, but he also teach us how to deal with problems in our life without panic.
My SRCEPG is a unique Centre for students and career strugglers, because here we learn the fundamental principles to achieve our target without the burden of Academics. Feeling great to be a student of SRCEPG Gwalior, and I am fortunate for having a mentor like Dr Brijesh Sharma sir.
I met my mentor Dr Brijesh Sharma in 2011, when I was struggling for success. Though I was equipped with all the qualities required to reach at my goal, but I was lagging behind due to some unknown reasons. I was trying continuously to find out the reason behind it but unfortunately it could not get in it. There was a minor gap between me and my goal, this gap was briefed by Dr Sharma. I can say only one thing about SRCEPG Gwalior that, it is a place where we learn to read our self and bridge the gap between us and our goal.
I feel deeply in debited to SRCEPG director Dr Brijesh Sharma sir to guide me through most difficult time of my life. Unlike many other career counsellors, personality development institutes, what sets us apart as our SRCEPG is Dr Brijesh Sir's unique way of mentoring. It's a very personal different and customised for the specific needs of a student. His mentor-ship reminds me of the Unique Indian culture of "Guru Shishya" relationship of imparting knowledge and wisdom.
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